Friday, April 07, 2006

Good job Timmie, crunch time walks with the rock. That bum, let me guess Hitch his foot started hurting him or the flu he had started acting up.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Shavlik is a man

Yeah Barry is real strange. I don't know what the hell that was.

TW the ACC is well represented in the Tourney. Darko will get better now that he plays and will continue to build confidence.

stop being all sentimental about the Hoosiers you sissy. I saw it yesterday and they stunk.

Monday, March 27, 2006

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE"According to a new survey by the Pew Research Center, Republicans are happier than Democrats. Well sure, they own everything." – Jay Leno

Wow! Put that on the blog. -TW

He already made a homemade one. He wears it as a nightgown. -the DL

Pags can't wait until he turns pro so he can buy his jersey. -TW

Gay is soft.-the DL

The older guy was you wasn't he Paga.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE"The Big Ten stinks. It is the Westminster Kennel Club of college basketball." -- Washington Post sports columnist Tony Kornheiser, who picked three Big Ten teams to reach final eight in his NCAA pool. All six Big Ten teams have been eliminated

Nice game last night by the Spurs. They look like world champs. Those pansies.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

You guys are REAL weak. TW and Hitch would rather rant back and forth between really two people with me being the mediator. Real FUCKING gay. Why did I set this damn thing up?????? There isn't anything wrong with the site now, and maybe it might be slow, but not everyone can see our emails. Not to mention that I might not be around much longer. We really need to get into a flow of using this or the DL will die. It isn't that hard you morons.

By the way the Spurs look like shit.

Paga is going to see Duke. I knew he would come over. You convert......

Monday, March 20, 2006

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE"Saddam Hussein has called his trial in Baghdad a comedy. NBC later called Saddam and asked him what he was doing on Thursday nights." -- Conan O'Brien

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE"Checks your reflexes by hurling a beer nut at your face." -- One of David Letterman's "Top 10 Signs Your Doctor is Drunk."

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE“To give you an idea how long Mike’s been around, when he first reported on the war in Iraq it was called Mesopotamia.” -- Jay Leno on the retirement of 87-year-old “60 Minutes” reporter Mike Wallace.

MD looked great in the NIT, big ups to UNC they looked awesome....

Today is Paga's first day on the JOB....lets see how long it takes him to integrate the DL into his new work life. This is when we fine out if we are golf balls in the sand in his mayonnaise jar.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Duke took care of business. Crushed GW Williams was dominant.
Will Gay come to play or be real feminine???????????????????????