Wednesday, March 08, 2006

That is a real Luisi'esk story. Did a tear come to your eye??? Grow a pair you boyhood idol is a junkie.-dl

Look I admit it doesn't look good, but I cannot rational argue against Bonds. I mean it is Barry Bonds!!! For me growing up there were 3 athletes Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson, and Barry Bonds. That was it, and I got to see Bonds all the time. Didn't have an NBA team and the Raiders didn't come to Pittsburgh while Bo was there so I could only see them on TV. But I could go to Three Rivers Stadium and watch the best player in baseball.

There is a famous Bonds homerun they always show in his highlight packages. It was his last year in Pittsburgh and he hit a walk-off in an extra inning game and as soon as he hit it he just threw his arms up and just kept his pose for second. I was at that game. It was like 2 weeks after I fractured my knee-cap and was on crutches and just a miserable pain in the ass. But that made me completely forget about all that shit. That moment will always stay with me regardless of whether or not he took steroids.-5_rings


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