Friday, March 03, 2006

I admire you for trying to use my saying but the guy actually has to be in the top five if you say it moron. You can't say it and think he isn't in the top 5 complete idiot.

I admit Lee TW never comes with any stats or real hot fire.

TD doesn't play the minutes? You mean he can't score in the minutes he plays??? Is he going to retire after this year???? SPEAKING OF RETIRING DAT NGYUEN RETIRED.........

Maybe you and Pags can play fight night together how cute that would be. Some male bonding before he leaves.
MD still is a tragedy you idoit.

Oh the Manning

Which top 5 are we going to start it all off with????

Hey guys sorry big J Tills wasn't around...I'm here now, I like what I saw today....


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