Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Shavlik is a man

Yeah Barry is real strange. I don't know what the hell that was.

TW the ACC is well represented in the Tourney. Darko will get better now that he plays and will continue to build confidence.

stop being all sentimental about the Hoosiers you sissy. I saw it yesterday and they stunk.

Monday, March 27, 2006

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE"According to a new survey by the Pew Research Center, Republicans are happier than Democrats. Well sure, they own everything." – Jay Leno

Wow! Put that on the blog. -TW

He already made a homemade one. He wears it as a nightgown. -the DL

Pags can't wait until he turns pro so he can buy his jersey. -TW

Gay is soft.-the DL

The older guy was you wasn't he Paga.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE"The Big Ten stinks. It is the Westminster Kennel Club of college basketball." -- Washington Post sports columnist Tony Kornheiser, who picked three Big Ten teams to reach final eight in his NCAA pool. All six Big Ten teams have been eliminated

Nice game last night by the Spurs. They look like world champs. Those pansies.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

You guys are REAL weak. TW and Hitch would rather rant back and forth between really two people with me being the mediator. Real FUCKING gay. Why did I set this damn thing up?????? There isn't anything wrong with the site now, and maybe it might be slow, but not everyone can see our emails. Not to mention that I might not be around much longer. We really need to get into a flow of using this or the DL will die. It isn't that hard you morons.

By the way the Spurs look like shit.

Paga is going to see Duke. I knew he would come over. You convert......

Monday, March 20, 2006

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE"Saddam Hussein has called his trial in Baghdad a comedy. NBC later called Saddam and asked him what he was doing on Thursday nights." -- Conan O'Brien

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE"Checks your reflexes by hurling a beer nut at your face." -- One of David Letterman's "Top 10 Signs Your Doctor is Drunk."

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE“To give you an idea how long Mike’s been around, when he first reported on the war in Iraq it was called Mesopotamia.” -- Jay Leno on the retirement of 87-year-old “60 Minutes” reporter Mike Wallace.

MD looked great in the NIT, big ups to UNC they looked awesome....

Today is Paga's first day on the JOB....lets see how long it takes him to integrate the DL into his new work life. This is when we fine out if we are golf balls in the sand in his mayonnaise jar.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Duke took care of business. Crushed GW Williams was dominant.
Will Gay come to play or be real feminine???????????????????????

Friday, March 17, 2006

Denham Brown's t-shirt is crazy wrinkled. You would think he would know how to fold up a shirt. It looks like he balled it up and threw it in his bag.

That would be funny to see Tdubbs #5 limping out to get mushed by TO.

You know you love defending Duke.

Oh yeah Pag's Uconn looks like the truth. Down 10 to some straight BUMS!!!!!

Gaffney isn't that bad just doesn't do a lot for us.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

big east off to a rough start.

they don't need an impact TE LJ is fine. Oh so now you like G-Town

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

First off you ASSHOLE I am not from Elkton and why the FUCK are you putting where I live on the internet???? What the fuck is wrong with you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't fucking talk to me.

TW you moron, he played SG not PG do you remember a guy named E. Snow.

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE"The weather is crazy. It's been unseasonably warm. It was so warm today that Barry Bonds was injecting himself with iced tea." -- David Letterman

TW how do you like LB's quote????

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

You are like bradley's you had to close up shop.

But I heard you were like the Wal-Mart of the game. Cheap prices and poor service.

I think "someone" was being paid for their services.

1. Shaq wants to play with AI
2. The championship team he made all those bums better.
3. He went to the NBA finals
4. Coach K did not pick the team.
5. He ran LB out of Detroit also huh
6. He is like second in the league in steals. I gues the opposing teams just throw him the ball....
7. He does practice when not hurt.
8. He is not the reason for the dress code, at least not the sole reason. I mean he is not Stockton but he is not the only reason.

If anything they all owe him thanks. He is the reason they were able to get contracts. Mr. 6th man does he still play, or what about Kukoc??? Van Horn(has he ever been an all-star), oh wait what about Harpering....TW you can't name one guy that has been there and left that was any good. Big-Dog washed up, Stackhouse is all you got. They played the same position.

You have got to come better than that TW. Who comes and goes how does that affect the record they have without AI???

By the way TW Jordan got Collins fired yet you do not crucify the GOAT.

MD sucks and will lose in the first round. I can't believe they got a no. 1 seed in the NIT. That team sucks really bad.

TW you do realize that the Sixers were winning prior to AI getting hurt. You are making it seem like they were losing with him in there and then came back. Stop your blind hate and get informed.

Todd you are an idoit. Wrap you mind around this without AI in the lineup over his 10 year carerr the Sixers have a losing record. How do you explain that?

ah the prodigal son returns.

Hitch made mention of that yet TW will not acknowledge this fact.
Also the fact that the Sixers have a losing record when he doesn't play thoughout his career.

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE“Where are we supposed to find time to watch these [World Baseball Classic] games? Believe you me, if I'm in Kissimmee, Fla., and have a choice between paying $15.99 for a sizzlin’ rib-eye skillet at Applebee’s or $21 for a bleacher seat at Venezuela vs. Australia, I’m saying, ‘Table for one!’” -- Syndicated columnist Norman Chad

TW where do you get your information???? Arrington can play and it is not that he can't pick up the scheme. He does free lance but he is better free lance or no than any olb on the Eagles right now. They do value that position or they would not have brought back Trotter, and every year sign a new olb, but it is time for them to stop being cheap about who they sign.

I didn't really want Randle-el so I was ok with not signing him, point is we have cash but don't even make offers to fa's. I could see if we did and they turned them down. WE do not offer them.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Here's why I don't argee with you TW. We could have gotten anyone on the Market. Arrington, Peterson...any DT we wanted. Any offensive player we wanted. We could have on paper been the best in the NFC East for the fifth time in six years.

sometimes you gotta check a bitch.

alright fellas what about the brackets????

Who has the toughest shot?

What about Air Force getting in???? That is probably the only team MD could have beaten in the tournament.

This from Stewart Mandel
"Logic-defying at-large selection: Air Force. How can committee chairman Craig Littlepage go on national television and extol the importance of playing a tough schedule, then take a team that finished second in the weak Mountain West, lost in the first round of the conference tourney to 14-18 Wyoming and played the nation's 273rd strongest nonconference schedule? "

Dreamy boy will have the cash to fly them in. But yeah that sucks.....

TW over AI's career, when he is hurt the Sixers have a losing record. Don't be a birdbrain.

Archuleta sucks in coverage. He couldn't cover you grandmom.

Bron is a bum can't "will" his team to get a cup of water.

Paga you are awful upset with Verizon. What have they ever done to you?

Do we need to have an intervention?

has everyone put up there brackets? Hitch will still say that he had another bracket where he had Southern in the final four.

What is there to hate about Chaney. He's is real, he says what he means. Last year he made an error in judgement, but it happens in life. Look at you, you went to MD hey it happens.

TW you are an idoit. Chaney is a HOF'mer.

I am a big guy and I was not bragging about getting any tickets, you told me that there were no more tickets for your game on Saturday night. You called Luke crying asking him for his help because you were so needed that ticket for the mamasita.

TW called John Cheney a fraud.....any responses to that nonsense??????

Did anyone watch the Telfair story?

MD might get snubbed by the NIT those guys suck.

I have to let the DL know this. You fool crucified me for wanting to take a female to the spot last month. Yet Paga's boy was hooking him up with a ticket to see the Hawks play on Saturday night. Paga wanted another ticket to take some strange Columbian girl. How is what he wanted to do any different. At least I knew the person, Pag's would have gotten to the game and her see someone actually tall and cute and invite him to sit in Paga's seat.

DUKE bitches........JJ asked Paga what month it was.

Friday, March 10, 2006

ON THE LIGHTER SIDE"The book ... alleges Bonds injected himself with drugs, or was injected by his trainer, or swallowed pills, or placed drops of liquid under his tongue, or rubbed the Cream and the Clear on himself. Bonds could have just walked through the Giants' dugout attached to an IV pole." -- Washington Post sports columnist Tony Kornheiser on a book allegedly detailing San Francisco Giants outfielder Barry Bonds' steroid use.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

TW your dumb and that is all I have to say about that.

One more win and I definitly think Cuse has secured themselves a spot. A-10 did bump someone, but who??? It ain't MD cause they don't deserve it.

Temple's in MD is in a world of trouble and no victories over Duke to save them.

This picture is crazy

TW you're an idiot.

Get ready bitches.

that's terrible, what kind of sports name is that. They might as well be called the Ringling Bros. Clowns.

No I agree Paga they can't and won't. But OK????? Please like they need a team.

Way to change the topic. NO I agree we are missing somethings. Pierce was doing this before the all-star break. How do you let him shoot that three if you are the Sixers? He is bananas. Chris Paul looked good last night back at home.

You know what I don't like is the league and the commissioner going to habitat for humanity and banging in a few nails and not doing any real work at all. Who are you really helping? Stern looked weak out there they all looked like they were in the way.

Paga stop being an asshole for one minute.

Are you really saying the rules of MLB supersede the laws of this country? Because Schmidt said he would "probably" do it that makes it ok????

Arrington is an upgrade in talent too TW.

Again you miss the point. Did OJ go to trial??? Was he arrested???? Answer that our judicial system at work???? Yes. Did Bonds go to jail???? NO. Another point you are missing. Was OJ still playing??? How does killing his ex and her boyfriend (allegedy) have anything to do with enhancing his play on the field????? You hypothetical situation doesn't apply here. To different cases. Murder does not enhance someone's play.

Paga you missed the point as usual Bonds has found to have used an illegally (US law) steroid yet nothing happened to him. He is a liar and a fraud. A straight bum, he should just admit it. He should have never lied in his grand jury testimony.

He's played 11 games in 3 years. That is a problem.

I can't believe the Eagles signed Shawn Barber.

2 NFL championships you moron I have told you this before. So it is not 0 of any kind.

Pag's if he had a prescription then he would have known it was steriods you dope. Do you blindly take medicine and not know what it is???? NO.

When people get caught what happens??????????????????????/ They get punished what has happened to Barry, nothing except you giving him a blowjob.

And who the hell is saying take the numbers back for pre '98? You have stated that they can prove it, where are you coming from saying take back the Heisman and national championship. Take Barry's dick out of you mouth.

I know this is late. But don't give me Ricky smokes pot...stop being an ass-hole and covering for Bonds. Ricky got suspended for being caught, what about Bonds?????

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

You and whoever wrote that trash are morons. I will say it again Steroids are illegal in the US, unless they are used for medical reasons. I am pretty sure he wasn't using them for the proper medical reasons. He is a fraud. How can you not prove that he used before '98?

oh man the flower show must have been nice.

How can he cover something up before the season that was said after the season started???? TW get it together.

Are you serious? How long does it really take you to get in?

Luisi you don't like the blog because your brothers, cousins, mother-in-law didn't make it. This is the culmination of 2 years of emails. And how is this that much different from emailing?

If he had to cover up what his boy said why didn't he do it last month when his boy supposedly "leaked" the information???? You aren't very smart TW.

ie. TOvs.McNabb are you serious who covered themselves in that???? You are just a dumbass.

Todd you dope....why should we believe you article from C-Webbs "friends" instead of something directly from C-Webb. What do not believe...that he doesn't live 5 houses down from AI, or that they don't hang out all the time? What is it you hater.

The UD players thought it was Barry Bonds house.

I don't want to make this a tear-jerker, but that's my dawg."

TW suck on this, from a legitimate source.

Oh man.

TW that is a very good question, he will probably be canned in a week....

NO love for CW. Stop the hate. You and AI had something special. She went back to school to improve herself for you.

No Hitch is out trying to get people who like people. I don't know if he will be in at all you know how he does.

Stop playing on JV level and step up. You loved AI you had her over all the time. You miss her.

No not cute at all. But Pag's is still going to pay and hope for a little extra.....He has no game though.

I am talking about Ashley.

CW was someone's else's thing from the old days. I stayed back out of respect for the game. Besides she was on the heavier side. Now Pag's on the other hand was trying to lock up AI. Should I give her your forwarding info???

Just relax tonight let it flow, try not to talk a lot and fuck it up.

You have no game, you want more from her. She keeps shutting you DOWN. You are trying to play the simpathy role now. Hey baby I am moving to the ATL and tonight will be my last night I may ever see you......... Like I said no game.

Pag's has a date tonight with someone other than Drexel.

That is a real Luisi'esk story. Did a tear come to your eye??? Grow a pair you boyhood idol is a junkie.-dl

Look I admit it doesn't look good, but I cannot rational argue against Bonds. I mean it is Barry Bonds!!! For me growing up there were 3 athletes Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson, and Barry Bonds. That was it, and I got to see Bonds all the time. Didn't have an NBA team and the Raiders didn't come to Pittsburgh while Bo was there so I could only see them on TV. But I could go to Three Rivers Stadium and watch the best player in baseball.

There is a famous Bonds homerun they always show in his highlight packages. It was his last year in Pittsburgh and he hit a walk-off in an extra inning game and as soon as he hit it he just threw his arms up and just kept his pose for second. I was at that game. It was like 2 weeks after I fractured my knee-cap and was on crutches and just a miserable pain in the ass. But that made me completely forget about all that shit. That moment will always stay with me regardless of whether or not he took steroids.-5_rings

My question is if Palmero who tested positive for the first time EVER last year, so for all we know he never took it before ala Barry. How all of the sudden will he not get in?

Monday, March 06, 2006

Poor kid, get a life. It is a nice day get up get out and get something. Atleast come get my truck and give it a wash and wax.

Poor kid, get a life. It is a nice day get up get out and get something. Atleast come get my truck and give it a wash and wax.

Hot fire for Pag's.....

I think Arrington is perfect for the style of Defense we run. Barber is slightly better than who we have now. so he really isn't an upgrade. Arrington would be a great upgrade. Someone to go along with J Trotter.

1 Lb and a d-lineman would help it. I think the secondary is fine. NO one can cover for the amount of time they had to last year. Maybe get someone to groom for Dawkins.

Luisi I see what you are saying my comment is at 10:36 instead of when I posted it. The Birds should go after Lavar.

Shaun Barber no but Lavar Arrington is a strong possiblitly........Look out NFC East the Birds are back........

You're right MD will be back in the NIT tourney. Those bums.

MosDef is nice....mad street cred-Hitch.

L Boggie was great in her Killing Me Softly rendition. Although it seemed like she forgot the words.

L Boogie was effortless in her killing me softly rendition, although she forgot the words. She still has it though.

Hardly stumbling Dickhead....You slurp JJ and say he is better and really good you respect him yet he has a bad three-four games and you wipe his sperm off your mouth and start the hate right back.....TW suck a dick the twerps don't have a team that could hold Williams jock....

On another note Arrington paid 4mm to get out of his contract....He could be a bird...look out.

Friday, March 03, 2006

I admire you for trying to use my saying but the guy actually has to be in the top five if you say it moron. You can't say it and think he isn't in the top 5 complete idiot.

I admit Lee TW never comes with any stats or real hot fire.

TD doesn't play the minutes? You mean he can't score in the minutes he plays??? Is he going to retire after this year???? SPEAKING OF RETIRING DAT NGYUEN RETIRED.........

Maybe you and Pags can play fight night together how cute that would be. Some male bonding before he leaves.
MD still is a tragedy you idoit.

Oh the Manning

Which top 5 are we going to start it all off with????

Hey guys sorry big J Tills wasn't around...I'm here now, I like what I saw today....

I had the day off and I am starting to catch up, but Hitch Bron doesn't want the shot at the end of the game. Straight chump.

Stop slobbing Vick he is not above Brees.

Defense was terrible but not the only reason we lost games. They couldn't get off the field on third down. The offense had a lot of three and outs. We will be ok punk.

Don't concern yourself with my "honeys". Paga you are not my PTO adminstrator don't worry about it punk. Who doesn't love PTO???? No hussy was in my bed thanks for the love though. Huge stones my friend.

I agree about the cap room....ON ANOTHER NOTE...... BILL WALTON IS RIPPING JERRY COANGELO FOR NOT TAKING AI......but back to the PTO do you really think you will not be here???? Also a friend of my mother's who is a admin was told Tuesday that 3/16 will be it.

Your secondary was not depleted stop the excuses....

THEY STOLE THE SUPERBOWL THEY DID NOT WIN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Plus our team had unjuries all year long and a asshole on the team as well. They were at home and lost terribly, all those great stats Osi #2, the line#7 best season for a rb all that don't mean shit when you get spanked.

Iverson just made Daniels fall

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Cleveland almost blew a 25 point lead, that team sucks. Charles just said he does not take the team on his back night in and night out. He is not going to be the next Mike Air aka the GOAT. He does not want the rock to shoot in the end. He makes not imprints on the game. Flip Murray shot the game winner, where was Lebron????????

What's up with the Spurs-Chuck just said the Clippers can win the west. If Timmy isn't healthy. Timmy cut his hair it is about time did you talk to you male lover Hitch????

TW stop comparing yourself with coach K. Do not even put your name in the same sentence with his.

Oh yeah Lebron needs to grow a pair.

Storm the court or not to storm the court???

I'm not saying that he probably wouldn't mind. I am sure there is some sort of comprimise Todd. I know you hate being on the outside of those meetings. Being that you are such an insider.

You act like Coack K is the only one making this team. He isn't you idiot. Arenas is not better than AI Todd. Sammie stinks he does not rebound anywhere near Rodman, or Wallace. His defense is I will jump at every shot that I can and hope not to foul out. He thinks he is Ben Wallace but not even 1/8 as good.

C/O Kiss My Ass
J Tills
Wherever I want to be

He should have played. Sammie is a bum, he gives them nothing on offense.

Todd stop being a moron. Gilbert is on the squad, what does he do better than AI?

JJ is on the team.....

What do you think look at the previous posts.

Stew Scott just said that the crocodile hunter had nice legs.

Suck a dick, he had 25.

TW how about AI 40 10 and 7 what the fuck else do you want. So let me guess they would have won by 15 if he had 3 more assists? Or maybe the smallest guy in the gym didn't have enough boards. So how did AI ruin his team last night????

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Congratulations to FSU this is what I was worried about a team that needed a win to make the tourney.

Poor B-Ball IQ by the FSU fans those assholes.

I'm looking for my girl at FSU. I don't c her.

We can get Moulds I would be ok with that.

Does anyone see JJ arm, it looks real nasty. Someone hacked the shit out of him.

Hey guys we can also have our pictures shown next to the DL. I know that people would definitely hate it if they saw Paga, so maybe we should hire a model.

wow 165 total emails. That includes read receipts. I know the servers were efficient today.

I don't know TW why it keeps changing I will look into it.

Pag's lot of hate. The Customer thanks you.

Paga is helping to transition someone right now.

You love Duke I know you do deep down. JJ will dominate the tard heels this weekend. Sheldon is better than Pittsnoggle and it is eating at you.

You are grimy not trying to help them out.

Why is everyone getting fired TW?

Duke by 20 JJ has 35. Sheldon has 22 and 12.

Hey twinkie boy watch it.

Double H you don't have the athletism to tie your own shoes. That is why you wear lofters.
Pag's had to travel to West Goshen to get some stuff to help him pass.
What if they say we are going to hold you to that two weeks?

5-10 yrd routes I guess he is perfect for a west coast scheme.

This what I invsioned for the DL good work and kudos to all of you. I had a meeting.

No she looked awesome.

Oh man the Giants stink.

I am sure that many teams have including the Steelers. You mental moron.

You cannot even say that with a straight face. Far from half rate. We took a chance on a dude and exploded in our face. We are hardly rebuilding get your mind right. Never win a ring that is just stupid. The stinkers stole the rings. Those bitches.

They suck, they stink. Who cares about those bums. They stole the game and you know it. You go home at night and weep in the mirror and ask yourself why they had to undermine the integrity of the game.

We don't neccessarily need to sign Huitchinson, Reid has had a good eye with lineman in the draft. We still have Runyan and can have someone play behind him. Hitch the G-women stink ok they suck.

scroll down little man and you will see the formula for success.

With the squad of reeivers they have now I don't think there is a clear no.1 receiver. They stink. Davis is not neccessary. Do you understand how much work is needed for him to make a impact game one? It won't happen. We don't need him. We have many other holes to fill. First we need to bolster the D-line. Losing Simon hurt us a lot last year and no one in the organization will admit it, but look at the tapes. He was big quick and helped the Colts a lot. We need to get another tackle, and a true no. 1 receiver either through the draft or steal one I don't care how. LB is another concern. We need to make a serious push for Peterson. He is nasty has a nasty on field attitude. We need that because B Dawks is aging and his attitude will be lost. I think if at all possible we go after Edge.

So to sum up for you TW.

Draft- interior D-line, O-line Tackle. A true no. 1 WR. There are a lot of good LB's coming out. And a FS if at all possible for B Dawks to mentor.

FA- Edge, WR either Randle-El, or through theft. Peterson.

If we can do something close to that we will have a good season.

With the squad of reeivers they have now I don't think there is a clear no.1 receiver. They stink. Davis is not neccessary. Do you understand how much work is needed for him to make a impact game one? It won't happen. We don't need him. We have many other holes to fill. First we need to bolster the D-line. Losing Simon hurt us a lot last year and no one in the organization will admit it, but look at the tapes. He was big quick and helped the Colts a lot. We need to get another tackle, and a true no. 1 receiver either through the draft or steal one I don't care how. LB is another concern. We need to make a serious push for Peterson. He is nasty has a nasty on field attitude. We need that because B Dawks is aging and his attitude will be lost. I think if at all possible we go after Edge.

So to sume up for you TW.

Draft- interior D-line, O-line Tackle. A true no. 1 WR. There are a lot of good LB's coming out. And a FS if at all possible for B Dawks to mentor.

FA- Edge, WR either Randle-El, or through theft. Peterson.

If we can do something close to that we will have a good season.

Hold on TW are you implying that McNabb is above average????

I agree no need to waste on a TE. We don't need that, and how do you put a proven starter behind some dude that hasn't played a game in the league. We could get Randle-el. But yes TW is a moron, and I am concerend about next year.

I agree with most of it except backup Pinkston???? He has got to go. I can't believe you still want him around. Secondly LJ is one of the leading pass catching TE's we discussed this at the end of the season and sent you the stats. But other than that good work TW.

It has something to do with him going to the beach and him being portly.

It has something to do with him going to the beach and him being portly.

wow there is not editing Hitch the locks are off.

I don't think they will televise another Tenn. game that scared little children. B Pearl is a monster....

Hitch is a moron, completely illiterate when it comes to computers.

B Pearls display was just terrible, I have never seen anyone's legs sweat that much. Ever in life.....

AI played much different in the 2004 games. Do not act like he was the reason they only got Bronze. He was the reason why they won a medal.

Sorry TW I was detained by your mother. She was trying to find a cake big enough for your dinner.

Oh yeah coach LB is doing a great job right now, or wait how wonderful Gary is doing that wack ass school. HD huh Pag's make the call.

You cannot blame the Olympics on AI stop being a moron.

Hot fire from the Pag's man last night must have been extremely lonely as usual.

I never said rap CD and no names.